Necktar 2017 volume 3

2 morceaux de Gas Anorex sont inclus dans le volume 3 de Necktar 2017 #86 & #105 beaucoup de bonnes choses dans cet opus, 111 morceaux, très dark ambiant dans l'ensemble

The set of themes of volume 3 is
Macro / Perception / Micro : Evolution.

A mere journey through time,
the great work of anachronistic alchemists,
the apiary of a network of precognitifs,
the magnetic murmur of a quantum flaw,
a vortex of antimatter annihilating all listeners' dogmas,
a dream above the Earth passing through the Unconscious,
a psychotropic meditation resetting the consciousness...
Stream :

It's dedicated to the realities dreamer : Peter (Sleazy) Christopherson.

Classé dans : discograph #, waves
Mots clés : colibri necrophile, mp3, sound, noise, dark, ambiant, compilation, Nektar